PPI London X Access Education: Mission, Solidarity

PPI London strive to build a sense of community amongst Indonesian’s in London. This organisation acts as a medium for Indonesian’s to support each other through their time in London. Today we will be hearing why and how PPI London forges these bonds tying the Indonesian community in London ever closer.

This account of PPI London as an organisation is provided by Giovanni Adhiputra Azis, second year MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation student at Royal Holloway University of London and the President of PPI London 2020/2021.

As mentioned previously, solidarity has helped me through my studies in Sydney, and I want to increase the level of solidarity of Indonesian students in London, to help each other more.

There are several plans that I have made to achieve this mission, one of which is by creating a platform for the RUDAL (Ruang Diskusi Anak London), where students will be able to discuss, ask for help, or get information from other students which will increase their level of solidarity.

It is my hope that during this term of office, I can create a sense of belongness for students towards PPI London, which in turn will increase the level of solidarity among students.

I believe that in this world we were created to be useful to each other, even we humans need our parents to be born in this world. The message I want to convey to Indonesian students is to increase the solidarity between students because actually this solidarity will make your journey easier and more enjoyable.

 For more information feel free to contact PPI London through the following channels:

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