London Series: Brunel for Accounting and Finance, Universitas dengan Jurusan Accounting and Finance yang Ternama di London (English).

Finance and Accounting is a very sought after course within the UK as there are various universities which offer good programs regarding that field of study. Notable Finance and Accounting courses in London can be found at LSE, Brunel, Westminster and KCL.

Brunel University of London


Brunel University London is known to have a reputable Finance and Accounting course. Although it is located away from most of the glitz and glamour of London, Brunel makes up for it with its well delivered education.

Special Quality

Brunel dedicates the Accounting and Finance course’s curriculum to fully prepare students for their future careers. First, Brunel teaches this course thoroughly and students will be given more than sufficient knowledge in each subject. Subjects such as Financial Markets and skill such as data-modelling are taught to students to strengthen their knowledge rigorously. This guarantees that Brunel’s delivery of the course is on par with the top unis in the UK.

Also, Brunel’s curriculum allows students to choose from a wide range of careers within accountancy. In their latter years as a student of the course, the students will be able to customise the subjects they learn. This is to enable them to specialise into specific areas of accountancy such as taxation and auditing.

Brunel University London, photo by from

Preparation for Work

Brunel provides students opportunities to connect with the professional world in a variety of ways. Firstly, Brunel frequently holds career events. These events are extremely useful in exposing students to internship opportunities and future careers within companies such as Goldman Sachs. To support this, Brunel employs mechanisms such as online reminders to help students stay up to date with opportunities that are available to them.

Also, Brunel provides extra service to prepare students for the future through their dedicated career centre. This section of the university can provide students with various services. For example, a student is able to take a psychometric test to help them decide on a future career.


In terms of intensity, Brunel is relatively bearable. First, a week can be considered relatively manageable. With 4-5 hours of studying in and outside of the classroom complemented by an optional 2 hours of office hours, studying at Brunel can leave a good amount of time for a student to focus on other things. Also, Brunel’s student interaction is quite healthy. Generally, students are very easy going and supportive to one another. There is some competition between students but it is constructive and will serve to help their development.

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Biaya hidup Selama di Harvard University

Belajar diluar negeri memang memberikan pengalaman yang berbeda dan mengesankan bagi para pelajar. Tapi tentu biaya yang dikeluarkan jauh lebih mahal dibanding di dalam negeri

Harvard University bukanlah hal yang baru di dunia pendidikan. Kampus yang menyabet gelar sebagai kampus terbaik sejagat ini telah melahirkan tokoh-tokoh dunia yang memiliki pengaruh besar. Tidak heran, jika kampus ini menjadi incaran kaum intelektual untuk mendapatkan kualitas pendidikan terbaik.

Bagi kamu yang penasaran berapa biaya hidup selama dikampus ini yuk simak video berikut.

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London Series: KCL for Law, Universitas denagan Jurusan Hukum Kelas Dunia di Inggris (English)

Studying Law will expose students to a subject that encompasses various different facets of human life in fields such as finance law or family law. These legal equivalents of normal human life should be viewed with the presence of humanity as matters regarding the subject ultimately determine people’s welfare.

In a global city such as London, the study of law is perfectly complemented by the city’s legal sector and its vast opportunities. In attempt to facilitate such academic endeavours, it also offers several choices of unis that equip aspiring-law practitioners with high quality education. The unis that will be discussed are UCL, LSE, KCL and Queen Mary University of London.

This video was taken from KCL Law on

King’s College London


King’s College London’s Law course held in the Dickson Poon School of Law is extremely reputable within the UK and rivals other top courses such as Oxbridge and UCL. Studying Law at king’s comes with various challenges and benefits that other universities cannot provide.

Special Quality

KCL Law is interesting due to its teaching of law itself. KCL Law is able to keep learning Law interesting as it highlights the storytelling side of the subject. It is challenging in analysing the precedent to ascertain a concrete timeline of cause and effect and synthesising those facts with theoretical knowledge to argue a case within the legal boundaries set in the specific circumstances. This arduous task of analysis and synthesis is extremely painstaking due to the amount of reading and meticulousness needed. However, it is also an extremely interesting task as the student is in near full control of the outcome and when the outcome goes in the favour of the student the satisfaction is unparalelled.

The Dickson Poon School of Law, photo by Kings College London

Preparation for Work

KCL Law is extremely competent in its classroom teaching. The education that KCL Law offers is structured within the standardised mould of most UK Law courses but with increased quality in its teaching. KCL Law is able to prepare students with practical skills and theoretical knowledge for legal careers such as being solicitors or barristers. Also, the knowledge taught in KCL Law classrooms can be built upon for careers outside of law such as consulting or finance.


King’s Law is relatively intense depending on a student’s learning habit. King’s Law is a notoriously challenging course and most of a student’s study time is spent completing reading. Doing the reading will prove to be very beneficial but students are not necessarily expected to read it to absolute completion. As a result, a King’s Law student’s study time really does depend on a student’s commitment and can range from 3-10 hours per day. Also, student interaction is healthily competitive. Students are competitive to a degree which is constructive in each other’s development.


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8 Universitas terbaik di Australia dikenal dengan Group of Eight

Untuk Anda yang sedang memilih universitas untuk melanjutkan kuliah di Australia, keberadaan Group of Eight mungkin tak asing lagi untuk Anda.

Group of 8” atau biasa disingkat sebagai Go8 adalah sebutan untuk koalisi dari delapan universitas-universitas terkemuka di Australia, yang terdiri dari
1. The University of Adelaide,
2. The Australian National University (ANU),
3. The University of Melbourne,
4. Monash University,
5. The University of New South Wales (UNSW),
6. The University of Queensland (UQ),
7. The University of Sydney (USYD), dan
8. The University of Western Australia (UWA).

Sejak koalisi Group of Eight dibentuk pada tahun 1999, delapan universitas besar ini semakin produktif dalam menghasilkan segudang riset karya ilmiah. Hal ini juga seiring dukungan pendanaan dari pemerintah Australia yang sangat royal, terutama untuk riset dalam bidang pelayanan kesehatan dan dunia medis atau kedokteran. Sekitar $6 milyar Australia digelontorkan untuk keperluan riset di universitas kelompok Go8 setiap tahunnya.

Namun riset ini tak sekedar prestasi akademik belaka, karena dampaknya begitu besar untuk sektor perekonomian. Seperti yang dilaporkan London Economics, kelompok institusi pendidikan dalam Go8 memberikan kontribusi hingga $66.4 milyar untuk perekonomian Australia dalam satu tahun.

Jumlah fantastis ini diraup dari efek domino peningkatan kualitas lulusan, meningkatnya siswa internasional, hingga dunia kerja yang membaik. Diperkirakan dari setiap dollar yang dikucurkan untuk penelitian, akan menghasilkan timbal balik positif hingga $10 untuk sektor swasta.

Ada hal yang ingin anda tanyakan? Jangan ragu, silahkan hubungi kami. Konsultasi dengan kami gratis.


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Global Citizen Scholarship Universitas Adelaide 2020

Universitas Adelaide kembali memberikan beasiswa internasional tahun 2020 Beasiswa ini diberikan bagi Mahasiswa yang memenuhi kalifikasi Kuliah Sarjana maupun Pasca sarjana

Beasiswa ini menawarkan pengurangan 15% atau 30% dari biaya kuliah, berdasarkan prestasi akademik

Beasiswa memiliki ketentuan sebagai berikut:
1. Tersedia untuk angkatan 2020
2. Besarnya beasiswa yang diberikan tergantung pada nilai ATAR
3. Beasiswa diberikan kepada warga manapun kecuali australia dan New Zealand
4. Tersedia untuk semua displin ilmu

Beasiswa ini tidak mencakup biaya visa, pertanggungan kesehatan mahasiswa asing, biaya perjalanan, Akomodasi, biaya hidup, buku dan bahan pelajaran atau biaya lain yang berkaitan dengan tinggal di Adelaide atau belajar di Universitas Adelaide.

Ada hal yang ingin anda tanyakan? Jangan ragu, silahkan hubungi kami. Konsultasi dengan kami gratis.


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Charles Darwin University, Student Support Services Menolong Kamu Selama Kuliah

Selain memiliki pencapaian akademis yg diakui dunia serta staf & pengajar yg profesional, Charles Darwin University juga memiliki beberapa student support services berikut yg bisa dimanfaatkan oleh para siswa untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar supaya berjalan dgn baik dan lancar.

Ada hal yang ingin anda tanyakan? Jangan ragu, silahkan hubungi kami. Konsultasi dengan kami gratis.


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