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20 Jurusan Perguruan Tinggi terbaik untuk orang yang ingin mengubah dunia (Bagian II)

10. Jurusan teknik pertanian (AE) memiliki gaji $101.200 setahun

environmental engineer

Kemungkinan pekerjaan dengan jurusan ini : Ilmuwan pertanian dan pangan, insinyur lingkungan, ahli hidrologi, ilmuwan konservasi.

Gaji awal karir: $58,200

9. Jurusan Bioteknologi (BioE) memiliki gaji $107.000 setahun


Kemungkinan pekerjaan dengan jurusan ini: Clinical engineer, biomedical engineer, orthopedic bioengineer.

Gaji awal karir: $65,400

8. Jurusan teknik pertambangan memiliki gaji $114.000 setahun

mining engineer

Kemungkinan pekerjaan dengan jurusan ini : Insinyur geologi, insinyur geofisika, insinyur mineral, insinyur keselamatan pertambangan, insinyur seismik.

Gaji awal karir: $72,100

7. Jurusan teknik sipil (CE) memiliki gaji $101.100 setahun

civil engineer

Kemungkinan pekerjaan dengan jurusan ini: Konsultasi insinyur sipil, insinyur sipil kontraktor, insinyur desain, penilai risiko kebakaran, insinyur nuklir, insinyur situs, insinyur struktur, insinyur air.

Gaji awal karir: $60,400

6. Jurusan teknik tenaga listrik memiliki gaji $122.300 setahun

Electrical Power Engineering

Kemungkinan pekerjaan dengan jurusan ini: Insinyur daya, insinyur utilitas.

Gaji awal karir: $71,300

5. Jurusan biokimia dan biologi molekuler memiliki gaji $103.400 setahun

molecular biologist

Kemungkinan pekerjaan dengan jurusan iniAhli kimia analitik, ilmuwan biomedis, ahli bioteknologi, rekan penelitian klinis, ilmuwan forensik, ahli kimia obat.

Gaji awal karir: $49,800

4. Jurusan teknik struktural (SE) memiliki gaji $107.900 setahun

engineering technician

Kemungkinan pekerjaan dengan jurusan ini: Insinyur arsitektur, insinyur jembatan, insinyur konstruksi, insinyur fasilitas, insinyur geoteknik, insinyur jalan raya, insinyur hidrografi, insinyur hidrolik penelitian, insinyur transportasi.

Gaji awal karir: $62,400

3. Jurusan teknik penerbangan memiliki gaji $122.500 setahun

Aeronautical Engineering

Kemungkinan pekerjaan dengan jurusan iniInsinyur kedirgantaraan komersial, perancang pesawat ruang angkasa, teknik, manajer sains dan pemrosesan data, inspektur dan petugas kepatuhan, insinyur mesin.

Gaji awal karir: $67,900

2. Jurusan teknik biomedis (BME) memiliki gaji $110.300 setahun

biomedical engineer

Kemungkinan pekerjaan dengan jurusan ini: Ahli kimia obat, ahli mikrobiologi, rekan dokter, ilmuwan biomedis, ahli bioteknologi, ilmuwan forensik.

Gaji awal karir: $66,000

1. Jurusan teknik kelautan memiliki gaji $126.500 setahun

Marine naval engineering

Kemungkinan pekerjaan dengan jurusan iniInsinyur mesin kelautan, insinyur proyek tepi laut.

Gaji awal karir: $72,600

Lihat Bagian I


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London Series: QMUL for Engineering, Universitas dengan Jurusan Teknik Unik di Inggris (English)

Although the UK is not home to the most sought after engineering degrees in the world, there are universities that can provide high-quality courses in that field. The undisputed king of the sciences of London, Imperial College London, and a highly reputable all-rounder, Queen Mary University London, beg to differ with the global opinion of the UK’s engineering scene. These unis will be discussed in terms of main strength, preparation for work and intensity.

Video taken from QMULOfficial at

Queen Mary University of London


Queen Mary’s engineering courses are well-known to be some of the best in London. This university provides one of the best options for the course in London with a relatively realistic chance of admission.

School of Engineering and Material Science, photo by Queen Mary University of London from

Special Quality

As a Russell Group university, Queen Mary is appropriately accommodating towards research. For engineering courses, such as Material Science and Engineering, Queen Mary shows its dedication for research in various forms. For example, this course has a module is dedicated to practical learning involving lab testing. Modules set up in similar ways are incredibly beneficial for students who are more research-oriented in their career paths. Additionally, Queen Mary is one of the only unis in the UK to offer a course in Material Science and Engineering. This course is also very different to what students may find in Indonesia.

Preparation for Work

Queen Mary shows its efforts in preparing students for work in different activities in the classroom. Students will experience these types of activities in his course. For example, within Material Science and Engineering there is an activity called problem based learning. In this activity students are required to solve an open ended question within a randomly selected group. Students find this beneficial as it helps prepare students for working in groups in working job scenarios and allows him to improve his ability to be open minded to new ideas within discussions.


The level of intensity studying Engineering in Queen Mary is relatively manageable. In terms of time spent studying, on average a student can spend 5 hours a day. He adds 2 hours of studying to his routine when revising a new chapter. Additionally, the competition between students is relaxed most of the time. Students find their peers to be helpful during lectures and problem-solving activities in class. However, during exams and when doing coursework students tend to become more competitive.

Overall, Queen Mary is a great choice for a research oriented student. Also, it helps students prepare for the future with classes that combine theoretical knowledge and practical soft-skills. Studying at Queen Mary can be manageable due to the study time required and relatively helpful student body.

For more information please contact:


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Link to Queen Mary Material Science and Engineering:

London Series: Imperial for Engineering, Universitas di London yang Hobi Merubah Dunia (English)

Although the UK is not home to the most sought after engineering degrees in the world, there are universities that can provide high-quality courses in that field. The undisputed king of the sciences of London, Imperial College London, and a highly reputable all-rounder, Queen Mary University London, beg to differ with the global opinion of the UK’s engineering scene.

Video taken from Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London at

Imperial College London


Imperial College London is known worldwide for its excellent academic reputation and its engineering courses are an integral part of it. This account of Imperial College London is provided by Juan Juoro (, a second year Chemical Engineering student of the institution.

Imperial College London, photo by University Advisor from

Special Quality

Imperial’s main strength is its academic superiority. Imperial’s academic superiority is evident in its combining of world-class lecturers with a practical-pedagogy to mold the engineers of tomorrow. For example, Imperial chemical engineers are pioneers in terms of carbon capture pilot plants. One notable individual is Colin Hale, the manager of the Imperial carbon capture pilot plant, and one of the leading experts on this matter. He uses his advanced knowledge of this scientific marvel to teach his students how to analyse the system and parts to be able to understand its application. Colin Hale is one example which showcases Imperial’s advantage in giving students unique and high-quality lessons which also train their practical prowess.

Carbon Capture Pilot Plant at Imperial, photo by Strata Technology Ltd from

Preparation for Work

Imperial also prepares its students for the professional world extremely well. Imperial is able to give students many outside of classroom opportunities due to it being exposed to various industries. For example, Juan notes that Shell’s involvement in sponsoring Imperial is reciprocated by Shell recruiting many chemical engineering graduates from the institution. This shows that Imperial is able to almost guarantee a high-quality job even before a student is close to graduating. In addition, Imperial offers students a chance to explore a wide variety of industries. This is shown in Imperial hosting seminars from different companies every month where recruitment of fresh graduates or interns are a possibility. This is evidence of students having access to valuable experience while still in uni and a secure future. It also shows that Imperial promotes a multi-disciplinary as this varied exposure they give to students gives them a chance to explore and/or combine different industries.


Imperial’s intensity level is very unique as Juan notes that educational mutualism amongst students is prevalent within the uni. Firstly, Imperial is able to build this symbiotic environment due to its emphasis on group projects. This is useful in promoting constructive competition within its culture and as a result students do not hesitate to complement each other in terms of subjects strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, Juan shares that Imperial demands a rather intense self-study culture. His personal method of study time calculation is that 1 hour of lectures should be supplemented with 3 hours of self-study. This formula is used by Juan to factor in 3-4 hours of lectures a day with an additional hour of personal tutoring. For that reason, most of Juan’s time is spent in the library and he firmly believes that self-studying is the key to success at Imperial. 

Overall, Imperial is the best choice for engineering in London and arguably the world. Although it is extremely difficult to be admitted, when a person becomes a student of Imperial they can expect a harmony of high-quality education, bottomless opportunities and exposure to the wider professional world and supportive community of students and teaching staff.

For more information please contact:


Alamat Lengkap Kami

Link to Imperial College London Chemical Engineering:

Nasihat Untuk Wanita Generasi Berikutnya Di STEM

Karena perempuan secara dramatis kurang terwakili di semua studi dan karier STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), bagaimana kita membuat langkah-langkah untuk menutup kesenjangan gender dan mendorong generasi inovator perempuan berikutnya? Pada saat teknologi terus mengubah cara hidup, bekerja, dan belajar kita, kebutuhan untuk menutup kesenjangan gender STEM menjadi semakin penting.

Dengan mengingat misi itu, Forbes bermitra dengan Audi of America pada bulan Maret 2019 untuk menjadi tuan rumah “Idea Inkubator” tahunan kedua, sebuah program yang didedikasikan untuk menginspirasi para pemimpin STEM masa depan dengan menyatukan bakat yang muncul untuk memecahkan tantangan dunia nyata melalui lensa STEM. Siswa dari New York University Tandon School of Engineering ditugaskan untuk mengembangkan solusi inovatif di sekitar dampak kendaraan listrik pada mobilitas perkotaan. Dua tim siswa terbaik yang menang berjalan dengan penghargaan dari “Audi Drive Progress Grant,” beasiswa gabungan $ 50.000 untuk studi mereka.

Nyamanlah saat kamu merasa tidak nyaman.

Saran saya untuk wanita yang ingin memasuki bidang STEM adalah jangan takut untuk merasa tidak nyaman. Sering kali, Anda mungkin menemukan peluang yang menurut Anda tidak bisa dilakukan, tetapi kenyataannya adalah Anda benar-benar bisa. Boleh saja merasa tidak nyaman dan mencoba hal-hal yang belum pernah Anda lakukan sebelumnya, karena Anda tidak pernah tahu, mungkin Anda benar-benar menyukainya. Sebagai contoh, saya tidak pernah menjadi penggemar coding atau ilmu komputer. Saya mengambil kelas coding di sekolah menengah dan saya benar-benar tersesat, saya tidak percaya bahwa saya benar-benar bisa melakukan ini sebagai karier.

Sampai saya menjadi bagian dari program-program seperti Women in Technology, di mana saya benar-benar membayangkan wanita di industri teknologi, dan Kode dengan Klossy, di mana saya harus belajar coding dan berkolaborasi dengan wanita muda lain yang tertarik dalam coding. Saya benar-benar menyadari bahwa pengkodean tidak terlalu buruk, dan sekarang saya sedang mengejar ilmu komputer! Nyamanlah dengan mencoba hal-hal baru, dan jangan takut untuk mencoba hal lain! “- Vidya Gopalakrishna, Mahasiswa Baru, Jurusan Ilmu Komputer.


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