London Series: Food at Unite Students

Living at Unite Students a resident must be able to either cook for themselves or be wealthy enough to order delivery everyday. Fortunately, Unite Students facilitates both cooking and eating out/delivering in well due to its well built kitchens and strategic location.


Cooking at Unite Students Blithehale Court is a relatively relaxed experienced due to the space and equipment provided by the accommodation. The kitchen is well-equipped with equipment such as a stove, oven, microwave and fridge. This allows for students to comfortably store their groceries and cook them in almost anyway possible. Additionally, due to the large space allocated within the communal space of shared kitchens, students will be able to cook comfortably without having to worry about bumping into appliances and potentially triggering the fire alarm. However, it is worth noting that residents will probably have to buy their own cooking utensils.

Shared Kitchen at Emily Bowes Court, photo by Unite Students from

Eating Out/ Delivering In:

The area surrounding Unite Students Blithehale Court is surrounded by grocery stores and restaurants. For example, there is a Sainsbury’s supermarket about 10 minutes on foot and a smaller Sainsbury’s just around the corner. There are a multitude of restaurants in the area but most of it was fast food (Pizza Hut, Nando’s, Chinese takeaways) although there were some pubs that served food nearby. Also, Shoreditch is in walking distance with a good variety of restaurants.

The Brunswick, photo by The Brunswick Shopping Centre at

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London Series: Food at Garden Halls

Food will lose its status is a staple in a travelling student’s life. Due to this, student’s are often extremely reliant on their halls’ catering service. This is because the catering service at the halls will be a student’s most frequent and cheapest source of food. Student’s should be relieved to hear that Garden Halls provides quality food at uni dorm prices.


The catering service at Garden Halls is served in an incredibly well designed dining hall with several different spaces for students to eat from. First, they have the regular dining tables where students can gather in large groups and eat together. Second, the have couches where student can enjoy their meal in a more relaxed siting. Third, they have more private seats where the couches cover the table to be secluded from the rest of the room.

The food at Garden Halls is served at three different times; Breakfast (Weekdays), Lunch (Weekends) and Dinner (Everyday). The overall quality of the meals is very good and students are quite satisfied.

One dish is notable within their lineup is their veggie burger. The veggie burger is a great choice for any resident, as it is very well cooked with a variety of ingredients included in it. Besides their veggie burger, most dishes would be well received by any resident and the halls’ catering services does provide a variety of selections for vegans.

Garden Halls Dining Hall, photo by University Rooms from


In terms of availability, the catered food at Garden Halls is only available at the allotted meal times.

There is a wide selection of grocers and restaurants to choose from around the area. Firstly, The Brunswick, a shopping centre within walking distance of International Hall, offers a various selection of restaurants and grocer. To shop for groceries Waitrose and Sainsbury are available with the former being the more expensive option of the two. Also, The Brunswick has restaurants such as Nando’s, Fuwa Fuwa (A japanese pancake parlour which is frequented by many curious guests), GBK Burgers, Go Sushi and Itsu. Second, the road from the halls to The Brunswick is filled with restaurants such as San Marzano and many other cafes.

The Brunswick, photo by The Brunswick Shopping Centre at

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London Series: Food at International Hall

International Halls provides catering services in their dining hall 2 days everyday; breakfast and dinner on weekdays and lunch and dinner on weekends. It is also possible to order packed meals when students have to be absent from the dining hall at the allotted meal times. Breakfast and Lunch are served to residents where they can choose up to six items on the menu plus a drink and dessert. Dinner is served to residents where they can choose a soup or bread, a main course, 2 sides, a drink and dessert.


The taste of the food at International Hall is generally average. There is not much praise to be given for the taste of the food as it is prepared in bulk and difficult to guarantee high quality taste.

Lunch at Breakfast at International Hall can be considered quite decent and even pretty good at times. They serve an english breakfast with selections such as beans, sausages, pastries and fish. Its generally very hard to mess these sorts of food up so the catering staff are able to do a relatively satisfactory job. An interesting tip is to choose bread with eggs and sausages to make a sandwich. Another tip is to just order as many chicken sausages (don’t order the vegetarian sausages they’re terrible) and eat them with a few packets of salt. Also, if you are in a hurry for a morning class taking 6 butter croissants (usually served on Fridays and the only type of croissants that won’t hurt your teeth when you bite into them) to go as they are relatively filling.

Dinner at International Hall can be quite depressing. Not much of the selection is very good and almost never filling but at least they attempt to diversify the selections every week. A personal favourite amongst the students is the chicken, but not the tasteless chicken breast, which is usually served with gravy and surprisingly tender to the bite. This main course option is one of the only saving graces that the catering service at International Hall has to offer and its not even that good. Furthermore, a dish that should be definitely be avoided are any noodle dishes. The noodle dishes served at International Hall are generally quite bland and heavy with garnishes that don’t add to the flavour but make it more difficult to eat. Ever choosing a noodle dish would be a grave mistake and whoever ends up doing that should be prepared to shell out a few pounds on dinner from an outside source.

The drinks served at International Hall are generally quite good as they are . They usually serve two selections of juices from either apple, orange and lime juice with soft drinks. Sometimes the soft drink machine is not filled correctly and all you will get is fizzy water coming out of the tap.

Dining Hall at International Halls, photo by University Rooms at


In terms of availability, the catered food at International Hall is only available at the allotted meal times.

There is a wide selection of grocers and restaurants to choose from around the area. Firstly, The Brunswick, a shopping centre within walking distance of International Hall, offers a various selection of restaurants and grocer. To shop for groceries Waitrose and Sainsbury are available with the former being the more expensive option of the two. Also, The Brunswick has restaurants such as Nando’s, Fuwa Fuwa (A japanese pancake parlour which is frequented by many curious guests), GBK Burgers, Go Sushi and Itsu. Second, the road along Russel Square Tube Station houses restaurants such as Franco Manca and Wasabi along with a Tesco store.

The Brunswick, photo by The Brunswick Shopping Centre at

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Masa Depan Pendidikan atau Sekedar Hype? Kebangkitan Minerva, Universitas paling Selektif di Dunia

Sebuah startup Silicon Valley dapat menawarkan templat bagi universitas yang mengalihkan studi mereka secara online karena virus corona.

Tidak ada yang bisa menuduh CEO dan pengusaha Ben Nelson kurang ambisi. “Saya ingin membuat universitas yang berfungsi sebagai model bagi institusi lain, dengan menjadi universitas terbaik di dunia yang tak terbantahkan,” katanya, melompat-lompat di video call dari kantornya di San Francisco. “Kecuali jika Anda menunjukkan bahwa Anda adalah yang terbaik, bahwa Anda dapat memberikan pendidikan yang tidak dapat dicapai oleh Harvard, Cambridge, dan Oxford, tidak ada yang akan mendengarkan. Dan kami melakukan hal itu. “

Salah satu hasil imbang adalah kurikulum Minerva yang tidak biasa, yang berakar pada kampanye mahasiswa Nelson di University of Pennsylvania 25 tahun lalu. “Saya menyadari bahwa perguruan tinggi pada dasarnya gagal dalam janji mereka untuk mendidik,” katanya. “Pendidikan seni liberal seharusnya mengajarkan siswa untuk berpikir bebas, kritis dan logis. Tetapi universitas elit kami tidak lagi melakukan itu sama sekali. ”

Penawaran Minerva sangat berbeda dari yang biasa dilakukan sebagian besar siswa Inggris, sebelum pandemi virus corona menggeser universitas secara online. Tidak ada ruang kuliah, gedung fakultas, atau ujian. Semua pengajaran dilakukan melalui kelas video online. Hanya ada satu program studi untuk tahun-tahun pertama, dan daripada membaca matematika atau sejarah, siswa mengambil kursus yang bertujuan untuk mengajarkan keterampilan yang dapat ditransfer seperti berpikir kritis dan pemecahan masalah, melalui kelas bernama “komunikasi multimodal”, “analisis empiris” dan ” sistem yang kompleks ”. Spesialisasi mata pelajaran dipilih di tahun kedua. Tidak ada kampus; para siswa ditempatkan di aula tempat tinggal di San Francisco pada tahun pertama mereka. Kelompok tahun berikutnya menghabiskan semester dengan berbagai cara di Seoul, Hyderabad, Berlin, Buenos Aires, London dan Taipei.


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Sebuah Alternatif Untuk Memperbesar Universitas di Musim Gugur Ini

Terlepas dari aspirasi banyak pemimpin yang memiliki pendidikan lebih tinggi, Sebagian besar kampus perguruan tinggi Amerika tidak akan dibuka kembali pada musim gugur ini. Meskipun sebagian besar universitas awalnya dimaksudkan untuk kembali ke normal seperti sebelumnya, pada 31 Juli 2020, hanya 24% dari perguruan tinggi yang berencana untuk sepenuhnya dibuka, menurut Chronicle of Higher Education.

Bukti secara konsisten menunjukkan bahwa siswa cenderung belajar lebih sedikit lewat online daripada tatap muka. Meskipun pendidikan virtual yang efektif mungkin dilakukan, studi online yang bagus membutuhkan waktu bertahun-tahun untuk merancang dan melibatkan lebih dari sekadar mengunggah rekaman kuliah ke YouTube atau mengadakan diskusi kelas melalui konferensi video.

Sebuah studi oleh William Alpert, Kenneth Couch, dan Oskar Harmon menegaskan kemanjuran pendekatan ini. Para penulis secara acak menugaskan siswa dalam kursus ekonomi mikro pengantar untuk mengambil kelas dalam salah satu dari tiga cara: secara langsung, online, atau keduanya. Bagian tatap muka bertemu dua kali seminggu, dengan satu sesi dikhususkan untuk kuliah dan yang lain untuk diskusi. Bagian online melihat materi kuliah di internet (pada waktu mereka sendiri) dan berpartisipasi dalam forum diskusi online yang tidak sinkron. Siswa di bagian “blended” menonton rekaman kuliah online, tetapi bertemu secara fisik sekali seminggu untuk diskusi kelas secara langsung.


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Sekolah Tinggi Dengan Alumni yang Paling Bahagia dan Sukses

Cara terbaik untuk mengevaluasi pendidikan perguruan tinggi empat tahun sebenarnya hanya berkisar satu variabel. Pada intinya, tujuan dari sebagian besar perguruan tinggi adalah untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang bahagia dan sukses. Jadi alih-alih menghitung metrik ROI (Return on Investment) biasa – seperti statistik pekerjaan, gaji dan statistik penempatan kerja – Forbes mengembangkan peringkat kepemilikan yang kita sebut Grateful Graduates Index.

Indeks ini peringkat perguruan tinggi swasta nirlaba dengan lebih dari 500 siswa menggunakan dua variabel, seperti yang dilaporkan ke Departemen Pendidikan, dan tingkat partisipasi alumni, atau persentase lulusan yang memberikan kembali dalam bentuk sumbangan ke perguruan tinggi mereka setiap tahun, terlepas dari jumlah dolar. Tingkat partisipasi alumni, yang disusun oleh Dewan untuk Kemajuan dan Dukungan Pendidikan (CASE), rata-rata selama tiga tahun. Total sumbangan median dolar diberikan bobot 70% dalam indeks dan partisipasi alumni diberikan 30%.

  School 7-Year Median Donations per Student3-Year Avg Alumni ParticipationGrateful Grad Index Value
1Dartmouth College $24,03941.3%99.81
2Williams College $23,43447.8%99.77
3Princeton University $23,53640.5%99.67
4Amherst College $21,35445.1%99.38
5Davidson College $19,99444.5%99.05
6Claremont McKenna College $22,77633.8%98.8
7Haverford College $19,81038.1%98.68
8Wellesley College $16,32849.0%97.79
9Wabash College $19,85031.4%97.78
10University of Notre Dame $17,47235.5%97.64
11Washington and Lee University $16,91336.1%97.49
12Bowdoin College $15,58944.3%97.44
13Carleton College $14,92143.0%97.08
14Stanford University $49,75625.5%97.33
15Duke University $19,98427.4%96.94
16Yale University $23,85323.4%96.43
17Massachusetts Institute of Technology $40,49922.9%96.38
18Harvey Mudd College $18,27426.4%96.15
19Brown University $19,76524.9%96.13
20University of Pennsylvania $18,97624.6%95.8
21University of Chicago $21,43522.0%95.4
22Middlebury College $14,89227.6%95.01
23Hamilton College $12,10039.3%94.79
24California Institute of Technology $52,69320.1%95.04
25Pomona College $14,89726.2%94.61
26Colby College $11,44642.4%94.36
27Colgate University $11,29638.0%93.85
28Rice University $14,28625.3%93.97
29University of Southern California $14,70024.4%93.94
30Harvard University $28,97418.2%93.9
31Washington University in St Louis $16,04921.4%93.4
32DePauw University $12,35825.7%92.65
33Cornell University $18,84818.6%92.89
34Smith College $11,80625.8%92.16
35College of the Holy Cross $9,49244.2%91.79
36Whitman College $10,37430.7%91.7
37Vassar College $13,18022.0%91.91
38Swarthmore College $9,91033.9%91.59
39Mount Holyoke College $10,15329.0%91.06
40Wesleyan University $9,72531.6%90.96
41Hollins University $12,22021.9%91.09
42Oberlin College $11,21023.6%90.75
43Reed College $10,68625.0%90.66
44Lawrence University $9,91926.4%90.06
45Knox College $9,62427.9%90.01
46Trinity College $10,00225.7%89.98
47Lafayette College $9,29629.2%89.79
48Kenyon College $8,72534.1%89.64
49Wake Forest University $13,12917.7%89.44
50Sewanee-The University of the South $ 9,03826.2%88.57

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