Beasiswa di KAIST Korea untuk S1 Full

Pilihan beasiswa di Korea bisa dikatakan cukup banyak. Ada yang ditawarkan rutin oleh Pemerintah Korea. Tapi, tidak sedikit juga disediakan langsung oleh universitas atau perguruan tinggi setempat. Seperti yang ditawarkan kampus ini, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). Salah satu beasiswa rutin yang disediakan KAIST adalah KAIST International Student Scholarship. Beasiswa tersebut disediakan khusus bagi mahasiswa internasional, termasuk Indonesia.

Beasiswa KAIST tersedia bagi lulusan SLTA yang ingin melanjutkan S1 di sejumlah program studi di KAIST, di antaranya fisika, matematika, kimia, biologi, teknik mesin, teknik penerbangan, teknik listrik, ilmu komputer, teknik sipil dan lingkungan, desain industri, sistem dan teknik industri, teknik bio dan brain, teknik kimia dan biomolekuler, ilmu dan teknik material, teknik nuklir dan quantum, dan manajemen bisnis dan teknologi.

Beasiswa yang disediakan KAIST termasuk beasiswa full. Kandidat yang terpilih akan dibebaskan dari semua biaya pendidikan selama menjalani studi S1 di KAIST (8 semester). Dengan catatan bisa mempertahankan hasil prestasi. Selain itu diberikan tunjangan biaya hidup sebesar 350.000 KRW per bulan, serta asuransi kesehatan dari KAIST. Yang tidak termasuk dalam beasiswa ini seperti biaya asrama serta biaya perjalanan ke Korea. Biaya tersebut harus disediakan sendiri oleh peserta.

Program studi: • Physics   
• Mathematical Sciences   
• Chemistry
• Biological Sciences   
• Mechanical Engineering   
• Aerospace Engineering
• Electrical Engineering   
• Computer Science   
• Civil & Environmental Engineering
• Bio & Brain Engineering   
• Industrial Design   
• Industrial & Systems Engineering
• Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering   
• Materials Science & Engineering   
• Nuclear & Quantum Engineering
• Business & Technology Management   
• School of Transdisciplinary Studies

1. Beasiswa KAIST ditawarkan bagi mahasiswa yang diterima kuliah
2. Mahasiswa harus mempertahankan IPK lebih dari 2,7 dari skala 4,3 di KAIST setelah tahun pertama. 3. Untuk perkuliahan yang dimulai musim semi 2021, kandidat telah lulus atau akan lulus SMA/sederajat paling lambat 28 Februari 2021
4. Untuk perkuliahan yang dimulai mesim gugur 2021, kandidat telah lulus atau akan lulus SMA/sederajat paling lambat 31 Agustus 2021 5. Bukan warganegara Korea

Dokumen aplikasi:
1. Formulir aplikasi (diisi online)
2. Sebuah surat rekomendasi (diisi online)
3. Profil sekolah (SMA/sederajat)
4. Transkrip nilai rapor SMA/sederajat (3 tahun)
5. Sertifikat kemampuan bahasa Inggris. Disarankan minimal skor TOEFL iBT 83, IELTS 6.5, atau TOEIC 720
6. Dokumen yang menunjukan kewarganegaraan pelamar dan kedua orangtua (paspor atau KTP)
7. Statement of Financial Resource
8. Laporan Resmi Standarisasi Penilai Tes (opsional)
9. Prestasi dan Penghargaan (opsional)

Dokumen aplikasi poin 1 – 7 wajib dilengkapi. Untuk poin 8-9 merupakan opsional. Keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai dokumen aplikasi yang diminta bisa dipelajari di panduan pendaftaran KAIST 2021 (Unduh).

Sebelum mengajukan beasiswa S1 di KAIST Korea, perlu dipahami bahwa pendaftaran beasiswa dan pendaftaran kuliah satu paket. Tidak diperlukan aplikasi terpisah. Pelamar internasional secara otomatis akan dipertimbangkan ke program beasiswa. Ada beberapa tahapan yang perlu dilakukan pelamar.

Pertama, melengkapi formulir aplikasi online KAIST untuk mahasiswa internasional. Pendaftaran online tersedia mulai 1 September 2020 di:

Setelah melengkapi formulir online, tahap berikutnya pelamar perlu membayar biaya pendaftaran kuliah sebesar USD 80 via kartu kredit atau transfer bank.

Setelah melakukan pembayaran biaya pendaftaran, pelamar selanjutnya bisa mengakses laman ‘Doc. Submission’. Di laman tersebut Anda dapat menggunggah dokumen aplikasi pendaftaran kuliah sekaligus untuk program beasiswa di KAIST.
Selanjutnya, setelah mengirimkan dokumen aplikasi, Anda bisa mengecek status aplikasi yang dikirim secara online di akun yang telah dibuat di laman:

Tujuannya untuk memastikan apakah dokumen yang telah dikirimkan sudah diterima atau belum atau ada dokumen yang belum lengkap, sehingga bisa disusul segera sebelum deadline berakhir.

Jika diperlukan wawancara, pelamar akan dihubungi oleh pihak KAIST. Hasil akhir proses seleksi universitas sekaligus beasiswa bisa dicek kembali melalui laman login yang sama di atas.

Anda bisa memilih salah satu jadwal pendaftaran beasiswa KAIST untuk program S1 yang dibuka tiga putaran:

Pendaftaran online dan deadline pengajuan aplikasi : 1 September 2020 – 23 Oktober 2020
Pemberitahuan hasil seleksi : 4 Januari 2021Mulai perkuliahan : musim semi 2021

Pendaftaran online dan deadline pengajuan aplikasi : 9 November 2020 – 8 Januari 2021
Pemberitahuan hasil seleksi : 26 Maret 2021Mulai perkuliahan : musim gugur 2021

Pendaftaran online dan deadline pengajuan aplikasi : 1 Maret 2021 – 29 Juni 2021
Pemberitahuan hasil seleksi : 28 Mei 2021 Mulai perkuliahan : musim gugur 2021


Alamat Lengkap Kami

London Series: UCL for Foundation, Foundation Program untuk Murid Internasional dari Uni Top 10 Dunia (English)

Foundation Programs are primarily targeted for international students who did not study a curriculum which awards grades accepted for admission into UK unis such as IB or A-Levels. These program are set up by universities and other education institutions who wish to assist international students to study in the UK. As a result, you will primarily befriend international students who are from asian countries, the middle-eastern countries and some European countries such as Russia and Ukraine. You will also find students who preferred taking foundation courses as opposed to conventional international high-school curriculums. 

Indonesian students who opt into attending foundation programs are usually graduates of high-schools that teach the national curriculum and don’t mind spending an extra year studying for grades before the typically 3-year UK university course that awaits them. Furthermore, some foundation programs award grades that also allow admission into UK foreign universities such as US universities.

Video taken from UCL Centre of Languages & International Education at

UCL Undergraduate Preparatory Certificate


UCL’s UPC is set up by UCL themselves where they run a foundation program for the humanities (UPCH) and science and engineering (UPCSE). This is a 1 year course which equips students for university life and its ability to do so is very reputable amongst UK unis.  Its classes are set up in the typical UK uni format (Seminars of smaller group discussions and Lectures involving all students of the module) with high-quality tutors or lecturers who graduated from universities such as Oxford and Cambridge. Students of this foundation program are entitled to all the facilities and services (student support, communities, etc) that are made available by UCL. This account of UCL Undergraduate Preparatory Certificate is Provided by Sutan Akbar, a graduate of the program and recipient of an offer for Politics and International Relations from UCL. 

Core Teaching Principle

UPC’s main focus education-wise is spending the entirety of the year drilling the UK uni mindset; arguing academically using critical thinking. For example, in the UPC you will be required to write a research project (RP) about one of your main subject modules. If you are doing a research project for Modern European History and Politics (MEHP), a UCPH’s core subject module, you might focus on a topic such as the Enlightenment. A possible scenario in writing your RP is discussing whether the Enlightenment was beneficial to humanity or not. At first glance, the general consensus would be that the Enlightenment was crucial in the development of humanity. However, if you could use evidence such as the viewpoint of parties opposing the Enlightenment such as monarchies and anti-enlightenment philosophers, you could argue against that notion. This example shows that UPC is able to equip you with tools that allow you to manipulate information to whatever you desire it to represent. This is extremely crucial in UK uni as most assessments, especially in the humanities, require analysis of information. A students’ interpretation of that information determines the quality and message conveyed from the analysis. 

Progression Rate

In terms of progression rate, UPC is very reliable in getting students an offer from unis. Firstly, It is highly regarded amongst a vast majority of UK unis so its grades are well received in the UCAS application process. Additionally, UPC is one of the few foundation programs which annually progresses students into Imperial College London and LSE plus occasionally into Oxbridge. However, there are some outliers such as City University of London who demand slightly more difficult grades from UPC students.

Furthermore, there are a wide range of subjects that are guaranteed a conditional offer for UPC students such as History, Politics and Economics, Biomedical Sciences, Mechanical Engineering and Economics and Statistics. This is an incredibly important fact to note as it will make a students application process much less stressful.

In addition, UPC provides extensive support during the application process. This is shown in the weekly meetings with your personal tutor to discuss Uni choices and personal statements. Although these sessions may be very rigorous, they are very beneficial specifically in writing a good personal statement as the tutors have years of experience and success in that matter.

However, a notable downside to UPC is that its final exams are known to be quite difficult. Annually, there have been cases where students were not able to attend their first choice uni due to their final exam grades being insufficient. This is due to the relative difficulty of these exams.

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Alamat Lengkap Kami

Link to UCL UPC website: